How long can you have breast cancer without knowing?

Breast cancer can affect both sexes but has a higher incidence in women due to hormonal factors. Recognizing the first symptoms of cancer is essential to intervene as soon as possible. The period of time between the transformation of the first cell and the clinical manifestation of the tumor is called “the long tumor night.” It is a phase that can last for many years.

How long can you have breast cancer without knowing?

The first reaction to cancer of any kind is fear. Even if it is not a minor illness, people with this disease today have greater hopes of recovery, but only if they receive adequate treatment in time. Recognizing the early symptoms of breast cancer is therefore very important.

Self-palpation is of vital importance and must be carried out periodically, as it allows to identify of any anomaly. The doctor will then evaluate the alterations found.

The end does not always indicate a serious disorder, but it is better to intervene as soon as possible. In this article, we explain how to recognize the first symptoms of breast cancer.

This disease can also affect men, but it mainly affects women due to the increased hormonal load.  We don’t often hear about men with breast cancer, but the truth is, they can get it too.

Below we present the first symptoms of this disease. Our intention is not to alarm you but to allow you to be able to recognize the first symptoms of breast cancer so that, should it arise, the chances of recovery are greater.

Recognize the early symptoms of breast cancer

Among the first symptoms of breast cancer, we can mention cysts that can appear in the breast or in the armpits. To locate them, you must self-palpate yourself once the menstrual cycle is over, as before and during the breast, it is inflamed and this would make proper exploration difficult.

Any skin changes (swelling, redness, irritation) of the breasts or nipples should cause alarm. If the skin in the nipple area appears “scaly” or is indented (it is folded on itself), this is a clear alarm bell, as is the release of secretion.

You don’t have to despair! In fact, finding one of these symptoms does not necessarily indicate the presence of cancer. However, you will need to go to a specialist to get a clear diagnosis and stop the disease.

For this reason, periodic medical checks are recommended, which, depending on the situation, can be annual or six-monthly.

Most people have a bad habit of going to the doctor only after a severe fright or a serious illness. The controlled periodicals, however, can make the difference between life and death. Many times the disease is identified through these checks and not following the appearance of an alarming symptom.

It is equally important to know the risk factors that could increase the chances of getting breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Risk Factors

Sex: Just being a woman increases the chances of suffering from breast cancer since, as we said at the beginning of this article, the increased hormonal load of women has a negative impact.

Age: advanced age increases the chances of suffering from this disease. Breast cancer usually appears from the age of 45, although there are cases of younger women.

Genetic factors. Hereditary genetic alterations or defects could be the cause of this disease.

Other factors such as obesity, a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition can increase the risk of suffering from breast cancer.

The use of contraceptive pills and the consumption of alcohol increase the risk based on the quantities taken.

It should be emphasized that both symptoms and risk factors for breast cancer can be relative.  It is possible that a person is diagnosed with this disease even though he has not presented any previous symptoms or, conversely, that a person with obvious risk factors is in excellent health.

In addition to knowing how to recognize the first symptoms of breast cancer and knowing the risk factors, you must consult a professional in case of an anomaly. In this way, you can receive the right diagnosis and intervene. Early diagnosis can save lives!