Seven tips to prevent breast cancer

Prevent breast cancer tips

One of the most important health problems of the 21st century is to prevent of breast cancer. According to various oncological reports, the disease continues to be one of the main causes of death among women, although men also suffer but to a lesser extent.

Undoubtedly, preventive measures and medical innovations mean that mortality is falling every year. So much so that 80% of patients survive more than 5 years after suffering from the disease.

Likewise, it is vital to assess the risk of each individual based on their family history, including their genetic code. In this area, new techniques for identifying the pathology can also be found.

However, to continue achieving these results and to be able to improve them, the protocols have to be followed. This is where the recommendations that health specialists make come in.

There are many areas that influence: nutrition, daily care, and self-examination exercises are vital.

Specialists insist on the importance of prevention and early detection. In this way, various risk factors are acted upon and alerted to the possible appearance of new symptoms.

Among the recommendations provided by doctors, nurses and nutritionists are:


One of the medical pieces of advice that mothers who have just had their baby can follow is to prolong breastfeeding for more than 6 months.

If possible, it is indicated that it lasts more than a year. Breastfeeding is considered to be beneficial not only for babies but also for mothers.

The reason? It has to do with the low production of estrogen during the lactation period. It is also added that the cells work to produce milk and do not have abnormal or malignant behaviors during that period.

Balanced Diet

Know how to prevent breast cancer

Nutritionists indicate that leading a healthy life is another indication that must be followed. Although not exclusively to prevent breast cancer, a balanced and varied diet is essential for a healthy life.

The daily diet should include plenty of fruits and vegetables and should be rich in vitamins due to their antioxidant power and free radical inhibitor.

Olive oil and fish are other very beneficial foods for their contributions in fatty acids, Omega 3, B vitamins, and healthy proteins.

Nuts such as walnuts, almonds, and other series of seeds cannot be missing from the diet. These products benefit general, brain, and cardiovascular health.

In the same way, they favor the nervous system by facilitating the communication of the brain with the cells. This prevents malformation and encourages normal cell stimulation and reproduction.

Maintain A Healthy Weight

Nutritionists consider that avoiding obesity is very important to prevent diseases such as cancer.

For women, it is essential to avoid being overweight in the postmenopausal period, since cancer detection cases increase after 45 years of age and obesity is a determining factor in the appearance of malignant cells.

Exercise Regularly

Health professionals also suggest that women should be active to prevent breast cancer. Practicing exercise at least 3 times a week with a minimum duration of 45 minutes per session is a good habit.

Walking, cycling or swimming is usually enough. In the same way, the practice of yoga or pilates can become a highly recommended alternative.

Reduce Or Eliminate Alcohol Consumption

For many people, alcohol represents a vice. In the case of cancer, it is proven that excessive consumption is a factor that increases the risk of suffering from the disease.

Most of these liquids, in contact with our cells, can interfere with their growth and generate abnormal behavior.

Researchers are still trying to find out why alcohol increases cancer risk.

The increased risk may be related to two chemicals that can damage the DNA of healthy cells:

  • Ethanol is the fundamental base of alcoholic beverages.
  • Acetaldehyde is produced when alcohol is digested by the body.

In turn, alcohol can increase the breakdown of hormones that increase the amount of estrogen in the bloodstream.

Having a higher amount of the hormone in the body than usual is a risk factor that makes it more important every day to have the possibility of preventing breast cancer.

Do Not Extend Hormone Replacement Therapy

The high estrogen content of menopausal medication can substantially increase the chance of developing breast cancer.

This type of treatment must be carried out with the help of specialists in hormonal care, to avoid risks.

Learn Breast Self-Examination

Preventing breast cancer is much more likely if you perform breast self-examination.

To find out about the technique, you can go to the Family Medicine Unit (UMF) closest to your home. In those places, specialized nurses can help guide you in your self-examination.

From the age of 20, abnormal signs can be discovered in the breasts, which will alert you to any alteration, which is why it is essential that you carry out a self-examination at least twice a year.

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